The first six months

We've been here for six months! Holy shit. About two weeks ago, the homesickness really started to set in, at least for me. It cooled off a bit here, and it just reminded me that everyone back home got their sweaters out a while back. We did Halloween (which I posted pictures from on Facebook but I'll attach the link to the google drive at the bottom of the post) by running through a popular shopping area with a swarm of other kids, both foreigners and chinese, and they had a good time, but they missed going door to door with their friends and reese's cups and snickers (most of the candy was like, gummy burgers and lollipops or mints). Of course they got sick right after, Oliver first, then Nolan, so we had one miss Halloween at school and then we had to reschedule Nolan's birthday party. Which was great! We only invited kids from our building, and a couple kids who's parents work/worked with Keith. He had a great time, and I got to chat with some of the mom's ...