Our first haircut (way late)

So, we left getting haircuts a little long- I was nervous to put them in the hands of someone other than my mother in law. I could have let it grow out for another month or so, really get the windswept 90's boyband hairstyle going, but neither of them like to let me do their hair and I have little faith in their styling skill at this juncture in their lives (oliver had been trying a combover... uh, no). Both Nolan and Oliver had been asking if they could grow their hair out, but I generally still have to oversee showers a few times a month to ensure proper washing techniques, and I generally have to force Nolan to comb his hair post shower. So, maybe next year. I picked out a few hair styles on pinterest and the boys seemed to reach a consensus (after some gentle guidance) on what kind of haircut they wanted, so we went down to the barber Keith had used over the summer with solid results. We were walk in clients, so we sat down on the bench and waited as there were two other...